ՆկարագրումBalduineum Wahl Heinrich VII.jpg |
- Die sieben Kurfürsten wählen Heinrich VII. (HRR) zum König. Die Kurfürsten, durch die Wappen über ihren Köpfen kenntlich, sind (v. l. n. r.) die Erzbischöfe von Köln (Heinrich II. von Virneburg), Erzbistum Mainz (Peter von Aspelt) und Erzbistum Trier (Balduin von Luxemburg), der Pfalzgraf bei Rhein (Rudolf I. (Pfalz)), der Herzog von Sachsen (Rudolf I. (Sachsen-Wittenberg)), der Markgraf von Brandenburg (Waldemar (Brandenburg)) und der König von Böhmen (Heinrich von Kärnten).
- Miniatur aus der Bilderchronik Heinrich VII. (Balduineum.)
- Federzeichnung auf Pergament, 1341, heute Landeshauptarchiv Koblenz.
English: The "Seven Prince Electors" electing Henry, Count of Luxembourg as Henry VII, Holy Roman Emperor at Frankfurt on 27 November 1308 (Reigned 29 June 1312 – 24 August 1313). "In Mensa sedet". Pen-and-ink miniature from the picture chronicle of Henry VII (Balduineum). Drawing on parchment from 1341; today at public main federal state record office in Koblenz, Germany. "The seven electors choose Henry, Count of Luxembourg, as King of the Romans at Frankfurt on the 27th day of November." Henry's brother, Baldwin, Archbishop of Trier, won over a number of the electors, including the Archbishop of Cologne, in exchange for some substantial concessions. Consequently, Henry skillfully negotiated his way to the crown, elected with six votes at Frankfurt on 27 November 1308. The only elector who did not support him was Henry, King of Bohemia. Henry was subsequently crowned at Aachen on 6 January 1309. The electoral princes, identified by the coats of arms above their heads, from left to right are:
- 1: Heinrich II of Virneburg, Archbishop of Cologne
- 2: Peter of Aspelt (aka Peter von Aspelt/Aichspelt, Peter von Basel, Peter von Mainz) Archbishop of Mainz
- 3: Baldwin of Luxembourg (Balduin von Luxemburg) Archbishop-Elector of Trier
- 4: Rudolf I, Duke of Bavaria, called "the Stammerer" (German: Rudolf der Stammler; 4 October 1274 – 12 August 1319), a member of the Wittelsbach dynasty, was Duke of Upper Bavaria and Count Palatine of the Rhine.
- 5: Rudolf I, Duke of Saxe-Wittenberg (c.1284-1356) (Sachsen-Wittenberg), a member of the House of Ascania, was Duke of Saxe-Wittenberg from 1298 until his death. By the Golden Bull of 1356 he was acknowledged as Elector of Saxony and Marshal of the Holy Roman Empire.
- 6: Waldemar, Margrave of Brandenburg-Stendal "Waldemar the Great" (c.1280-1319), a member of the House of Ascania, was Margrave of Brandenburg-Stendal from 1308 until his death.
- 7: King Henry of Bohemia "Henry of Gorizia" (c.1265-1335), a member of the House of Gorizia, was Duke of Carinthia and Landgrave of Carniola (as Henry VI) and Count of Tyrol from 1295 until his death, as well as King of Bohemia, Margrave of Moravia and titular King of Poland in 1306 and again from 1307 until 1310.
Français :
- "Les sept électeurs élisent Henri ; comte de Luxembourg, comme "roi des Romains" à Francfort le 27 Novembre."
- Les "Sept princes électeurs" en train d'élire Henry VII, saint empereur romain germanique. Les princes électeurs sont identifiés par les armoiries figurant au dessus de leurs têtes, avec de gauche à droite, les 3 archevêques de Cologne (Heinrich II. von Virneburg), Mainz (Peter von Aspelt) et Trèves (Balduin von Luxemburg), puis le représentant du Comté palatin du Rhin (Brandenburg), le duc de Saxe (Rudolf 1. (Sachsen-Wittenberg)), le margrave de Brandebourg (Waldemar (Brandenburg)), et le roi de Bohème (Heinrich von Kärnten).
- Miniature dessinée à la plume et à l'encre, colorée, extraite de la chronique de Henry VII (Balduineum)
- Dessin sur parchemin de 1341, conservé à Koblenz, en Allemagne.
- Septem electores eligunt Henricum comitem Lützillenburgensem in regem Romanorum Frankofurti vicesimo septimo die Novembris.
- Семь курфюрстов-электров,с гербами родовых владений, слева на право: арихиепископы Кёльна, Майнца и Трира, герцоги Пфальца и Саксонии, маркграф Бранденбурга, король Богемии.
Codex Balduini Trevirensis, a hét választófejedelem VII. Henrik német-római császár megválasztásakor, 1308 november 27-én Frankfurtban |