Պատկեր:Garnet lherzolite - xenolith from a kimberlite pipe, Kimberley SA.jpg

Սկզբնական նիշք (1485 × 1142 փիքսել, նիշքի չափը՝ 1,87 ՄԲ, MIME-տեսակը՝ image/jpeg)

Այս նիշքը տեղադրված է Վիքիպահեստում է և այն կարող է օգտագործվել այլ նախագծերի կողմից։ Վիքիպահեստում նիշքի մասին տեղեկությունների հիմնական մասը ներկայացված է ստորև։



Garnet lherzolite (field of view ~1.6 cm across). Purplish red = pyrope garnet Bright green = chromian diopside pyroxene Dark green crystals = olivine & orthopyroxene

One of the most incredibly rare rocks in my collection is this garnet lherzolite from South Africa. This is a slice of a xenolith nodule (“xeno” = foreign, and “lith” = rock) from a kimberlite pipe in Kimberley, central South Africa. As magma rises in a pipe during kimberlite formation, it plucks rock from the deep walls of the pipe. Many kimberlite xenoliths turn out to be samples from the deep crust, lithospheric mantle, and even possibly sub-lithospheric mantle. This garnet lherzolite xenolith is such a sample of lithospheric or sub-lithospheric mantle! Rocks such as garnet lherzolite and spinel lherzolite have traditionally been inferred to be primitive mantle materials.

This rock is a variety of peridotite, an ultramafic intrusive igneous rock. It is dominated by two dark-greenish minerals: forsterite olivine (having veinlets of serpentine) and enstatite orthopyroxene. Notice that the rock also contains rounded, purplish-red crystals. These are pyrope garnets. There are also widely scattered, bright emerald green colored crystals of chromian diopside pyroxene. Small amounts of accessory minerals are also present.

Age: Precambrian, very likely Archean (probably late Mesoarchean or early Neoarchean).
Աղբյուր Garnet lherzolite - xenolith from a kimberlite pipe (Precambrian, likely Archean; Kimberley, central South Africa) 2
Հեղինակ James St. John
Այլ մեկնակերպներ Entire slab: [1]


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This image was originally posted to Flickr by jsj1771 at https://www.flickr.com/photos/47445767@N05/14817700428. It was reviewed on 24 Օգոստոս 2014 by FlickreviewR and was confirmed to be licensed under the terms of the cc-by-2.0.

24 Օգոստոս 2014


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Macro photograph of Garnet lherzolite with inclusions of pyrope, chromian diopside, olivine, and orthopyroxene

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22 օգոստոսի 2014

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ընթացիկ20:11, 24 օգոստոսի 201420:11, 24 օգոստոսի 2014 տարբերակի մանրապատկերը1485 × 1142 (1,87 ՄԲ)TillmanTransferred from Flickr via Flickr2commons

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